Individuals in New Jersey may not realize how dangerous texting and driving can be. According to the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute, a driver who is text messaging is 23 times more likely to be involved in a crash than one who is not. More than 10 percent of drivers who are between the ages of 18 and 20 and who were in an automobile accident reported that when the crash occurred, they were either sending or receiving a text.
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, in 2010, almost 20 percent of all fatal crashes were caused by driver distraction. Distracted driving is a serious safety issue, and mobile devices are a significant source of distraction. The Federal Communications Commission has created an information clearinghouse to better disseminate facts about distracted driving to schools and the public.
There are a number of steps that individuals can take to help spread the word about the dangers of distracted driving. Parents must set an example for their children by not texting or using mobile devices while they are driving. They should also communicate regularly and clearly with their children about following their example. Finally, they can talk to friends, family and their children’s schools about the information on the FCC Distracted Driving Clearinghouse website.
An individual who is injured in an accident in which the responsible party is distracted by texting may wish to file a lawsuit against the person responsible. Compensation from a lawsuit may cover medical expenses, lost wages and other damages, and it is only necessary for a personal injury lawyer to provide a preponderance of evidence that the driver behaved negligently.
Source: FCC, “The dangers of texting while driving “, December 05, 2014