Many New Jersey residents who read this blog may often wonder whether the stories we have published about animal bites are not, at least to some extent, the fault of the bite victims themselves. While certainly some children who get bitten may not have known how to behave around a dog, one might suspect that those adults who find themselves victims of a dog bite may have made some important mistake in interacting with the animal.
There are both safe and unsafe ways for a human to handle a dog. But a recent case also illustrates that some dogs are simply predatory and looking for a person to bite. Recently, a woman in another state was hospitalized after a dog approached her while she was sitting on a curb outside on a street. Without any apparent reason, the dog attacked her.
Those who came to the woman’s aid following the dog attack first took her to a local hospital but then had to transport her to another hospital, a major university facility. Her exact condition is not known at this time.
Police say that the dog ran off after the attack but that it was wearing a collar, suggesting that somebody is taking care of the animal. Police are looking for the dog and asking local residents in this other state for assistance.
New Jersey residents who simply choose to sit outside obviously have a right not to be attacked at random by someone else’s dog. Even if a dog has never bitten anyone before, it is best that pet owners appropriately secure their animals. Those owners who choose not to do so may have to pay compensation to a dog bite victim for medical expenses, lost income and emotional pain and suffering.
Source: Quad-City Times, “Clinton police investigate dog bite case,” Aug. 5, 2013