The dramas portrayed on the hit television show “Grey’s Anatomy” captivate viewers in New Jersey and around the country, but the divorce of one of the show’s stars, Jesse Williams, has switched attention to his real life. A court has approved a petition from his ex-wife to raise his monthly spousal and child support payments from $33,242 to $50,695 per month.
Court documents also specify that he must pay his ex-wife half of his residual income from the show for his work performed between September 2012 and April 2017. The court order imposes on him another $50,000 obligation to reimburse her for legal fees.
The court order, however, requires his ex-wife to pay all of the expenses for the family home, which include a mortgage, home equity loan and property taxes. The former spouses had been married for five years when they filed for divorce in April 2017. They are the parents of a 4-year-old girl and 2-year-old boy. They currently have joint custody as established by a temporary agreement.
Child and spousal support payments are in many cases calculated using different factors. For example, states have child support guidelines that contain certain formulas for calculating the amount, but judges can and often do vary from them. Of course, estranged parents are always free to negotiate an accord on their own or with the assistance of their respective attorneys. If they are unable to do so, then mediation might be a possible solution, rather than leaving the decision in the hands of a family court judge.
Source: E Online, “Jesse Williams’ Monthly Spousal Support Upped to $50,000 a Month“, Kendall Fisher, Jan. 19, 2018