Thomas James Bain, an active member of the Sussex County community, passed away at home on Monday, December 5, 2016 at the age of 85.
A lifelong resident of Sussex County, Tom Bain was born in Franklin on August 13, 1931. He graduated from Blair Academy and Princeton University, where he ran the high hurdles on the varsity track team and ate at the Cap and Gown Club. After serving in the U.S. Army, he enrolled in Harvard Law School, graduating in 1958. He was admitted to the New Jersey Bar and began his legal career with Morris, Downing & Sherred the same year, becoming a partner in 1962. He spent his entire career with Morris, Downing & Sherred, serving as managing partner for many years. He retired from the partnership in 1999 but continued Of Counsel into his 80s.
In addition to his work at the law firm, Tom served for over 30 years as judge of the municipal courts of Franklin, Hamburg and Hardyston, and as judge of the municipal court of Frankford and Lafayette. He was municipal attorney for the Borough of Branchville, Montague Township and Sandyston Township. He served for many years as a trustee of the Branchville Cemetery Association.
Tom volunteered his time and talents to many Sussex County organizations. He served as president of the Branchville Business Men’s Club, the Branchville Rotary Club, the Sussex County Bar Association, and the Newton Country Club.
He was a trustee of Newton Memorial Hospital for 35 years and served as chairman of the board.
History, especially local history, was one of Tom’s lifelong passions. Tom was a member of the Mayflower Society, the Sons of the American Revolution, the Canal Society of New Jersey, the Branchville Historical Society, and the Minisink Historical Society.