A parent in New Jersey that has made the decision to divorce may question their ability to secure the best possible outcome for their children. They may have anxiety about the well-being of their family as they begin the process of separation and child custodyarrangements. As a child custody agreement is debated between the parents, they may benefit from gaining an understanding of the issues that the children may experience as the divorce process moves forward.
Children may experience anxiety themselves as they watch and wait to learn what their new living arrangement may be. Some children may internalize opinions or experiences about an individual parent and may have strong opinions about living arrangements. A parent may choose to seek professional help to provide a child with a voice through a third party to help ensure they are able to express their desires, as appropriate.
Regardless of the specific custody arrangements, both parents will continue to be financially responsible for their children. Typically, child support is ordered to be paid by the noncustodial parent for the benefit of any minor child. Child support and/or spousal support agreements may be negotiated and determined apart from custody negotiations, though the issues are often closely related and generally considered together.
The reasons for a divorce can vary between every New Jersey family. Creating a suitable child custody situation that includes visitation and appropriately observes parental rights may require intense discussions and potential conflict. The goal is to achieve an arrangement that is truly in the best interests of the children, and professional guidance and assistance may make the process smoother and focused on achieving an optimal result.
Source: The Huffington Post, “7 Ways Divorce Affects Kids, According To The Kids Themselves“, Brittany Wong, Aug. 28, 2014