New Jersey residents of all ages and ability levels may be prone to getting hurt while using stairs. In fact, a study published in the ‘American Journal of Emergency Medicine” determined that more than 1 million Americans are injured using stairs each year. While people of all ages showed up in the study, women and older people were more likely than others to get hurt. Younger children also were also more likely to get injured while using stairs.
The total cost of nonfatal stair injuries is roughly $92 billion per year. The authors of the study say that it may be worthwhile to look at how stairs are designed and constructed. More than 50 percent of all homes in the United States have them. Researchers came to their conclusions after analyzing injuries that resulted from stairs from 1990 to 2012 that required treatment at an emergency room.
During that 12-year time period, around 25 million were treated in emergency rooms for stair-related injuries. That translates to about 38 injuries per 10,000 Americans per year or 1 injury every 30 seconds. Roughly 66 percent of those who were treated were between the ages of 11 and 60. Researchers believe that women are more likely than others to get hurt because they may be tending to children or doing chores while walking on stairs.
Those who fall on stairs either in a public place or in a private residence may sustain significant injuries. Those who are hurt may not be able to work or experience some other major change in their lifestyles. It may be possible for an injured party to take legal action against the owner of the property where the fall occurred. If it can be proved that the property owner was negligent, an injured person may be entitled to compensation.