For New Jersey parents who are going through a divorce, dealing with matters related to their children can be some of the most emotional and challenging aspects. The best interests of the children should be paramount for both parties, even when it is extremely difficult for the divorcing spouses to see eye-to-eye on other matters. Absent a context of abuse, it is critical for children’s emotional development to retain their close relationship with both of their parents.
Divorcing parents who are focused on their children can work together or in mediation to develop a parenting plan. A few tips can help to build this relationship into one that supports the children well. In the first place, it can help to consider each other as a partner in the most important investment in their lives. This highlights the relationship with the children as the primary one between the parents.
A written agreement that not only deals with child custody but also with guidelines for both parents can be important to an ongoing co-parenting relationship. This can also mean facilitating the relationship of the children with the other parent, both in terms of time and access and in terms of the emotional bond.
Having a plan in hand for emergencies and unexpected schedule changes can make that easier on the children as well as on the parents. People who are going through a divorce and are concerned about preserving their relationship with their children can work with a family law attorney who can in many cases take the lead in negotiating child custody and visitation.