One in five workplace fatalities occur on construction sites. Construction workers and employers in New Jersey will want to know, therefore, what the most common factors are in these fatalities. There are four: workers can fall, be struck by falling objects, get caught or compressed in machinery, or be electrocuted.
Falls account for 39 percent of construction fatalities, making them the leading cause among the four. Companies can reduce the number of these with a few steps. They can guard floor holes; install railways and toe guards on runways, platforms, and other elevated surfaces; conduct inspections of ladders and scaffolding; and provide the right fall protection equipment, such as safety nets and harnesses.
Ten percent of construction fatalities occur when workers are struck by a falling object. These incidents can be avoided through the use of hard hats and the building of canopies. Rather than carry tools while they’re climbing, workers can have the tools hoisted up to them.
As for electrocutions, which make up for approximately 8 percent of construction deaths, these can be prevented through hard hats and non-conductive ladders. Machinery should be at least 10 feet away from overhead power lines. To keep workers from getting caught in machines and collapsing structures, employers should properly train machine operators and use a safety monitoring system.
Regardless of who’s to blame for a construction accident, victims are generally eligible for workers’ compensation benefits. Negligence need not be demonstrated. Nonetheless, the victim might want a lawyer to assist with the filing process. If the claim is disputed or denied, a lawyer could provide advocacy at a subsequent hearing.