This article was originally published in the August 2014 issue of the New Jersey Family Lawyer, a publication of the NJ State Bar Association, and is reprinted here with permission. The Impact of Changes in DCPP Investigatory Findings
DCPP 101: What Happens When Allegations of Child Abuse are Reported to DCPP?
This article was originally published in the February 2020 issue of the New Jersey Family Lawyer, a publication of the NJ State Bar Association, and is reprinted here with permission. DCPP 101: What Happens When Allegations of Child Abuse are Reported to DCPP?
Important Steps to Take After a Slip or Trip and Fall
First and foremost, seek the medical attention you need so that you recover as soon as possible and get back to your day to day activities. Additionally, it’s important to take pictures of any property defects as soon as possible because you want to be able to memorialize the way the property was at the […]
Why Slip and Fall Cases Are More Complex
Although slip and fall cases or trip and fall cases are often the subject of many jokes, because of the suddenness of the event and the hardness of the surfaces to which people fall, very severe injuries can result. You can have high impact, high-speed car cases where people’s bodies are not going to hold […]
When Is It Arguable that a Landlord Is Responsible for a Tenant’s Injury Without Notice of the Hazardous Condition?
Q: Let’s say a tenant is hurt because the ceiling collapsed on her and the landlord would not have had notice that the ceiling was going to collapse. What would be the argument for landlord responsibility? There are certain basic obligations that a landlord is responsible for, whether it is with or without notice. They […]
Slip, Trip and Falls on Rental Property and the Issue of Notice
Q: Must the landlord have notice of the hazardous condition that caused me to slip and fall, or is there an assumption that they should have known? When it comes to a landlord’s liability for your slip and fall injuries, notice is always a big part of the analysis. For example, if oil is spilled […]
Can I Sue My Landlord for Injuries in a Slip and Fall or Trip and Fall?
Q: Under what circumstances can I sue my landlord for tripping or slipping on my landlord’s premises? In New Jersey, there is never a simple answer to this question and every case is unique. In any rental building, whether it is residential or commercial, in the part of the property you live or where you […]
What if my injuries from my slip, trip and fall are worse because I am more susceptible to injuries?
If you are already suffering from an injury from some other source – another trip and fall, a car accident, or a fall from a horse, and you already have an identified injury to that body part, it could certainly be made worse as a result of a slip, trip, and fall. Your doctor and […]
Types of Injuries Sustained in Slip, Trip and Fall Accidents
Falls can result in a wide variety of injuries to your back, and more specifically, to your lower back. We often see serious neck injuries similar to whiplash injuries that someone may suffer in a car accident. We also see shoulder injuries, wrist injuries and elbow injuries because people often instinctively put their arms out […]
Does it matter whether or not my employer was negligent if I get hurt at work?
The workers’ compensation system is designed to remove the debate over who is at fault. Whether you the employee are at fault entirely, or whether the employer is entirely at fault, it does not matter for your workers’ comp recovery. If you are injured on the job during the course of employment and you need […]